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Showing posts from 2021

When Celebrities Fall

To say that 2020 has been a crazy year is an understatement. Aside from the pandemic, there have been other issues like growing racial tensions, which have caused some of my favorite celebrities to fall victim to “cancel culture.” They were “canceled” mainly because they wouldn't disavow racism or show a true stance on Black Lives Matter. Some have also fallen victim because of their inability or unwillingness to apologize for old jokes they have made that had racist undertones. After all, in the day and age of the internet, anything you say or do lives on forever. One of the most shocking celebrities who fell victim to cancel culture this year was YouTuber Shane Dawson. He is one of my favorite YouTubers and for a long time he was popular. After the death of George Floyd and when people began protesting, viewers went back and looked at his past videos. They called out his use of blackface in videos along with certain jokes that he had made. Those jokes in my opinion were probabl